Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod


  1. Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod Curseforge
  2. Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod Apk
This thread is for discussions on balance changes for the A&S mod.
Balance change arguments can be made from;
  • First of all, it gets confusing when only a few visual previews are given on a mod, and then in the installer it asks you to pick between two different versions of the same aircraft. That said, the mods are amazing, I just ended up getting stuck with the desert version of the A-10 and I can't find any other mods of it to overwrite it with.
  • In Wargame Red Dragon, 287 units are using 65 different types of missiles. Note AGM is a different weapon class as defined by WG: RD, so exclusive plane missiles are not included. The focus of this post will have more emphasis on ATGM infantry (n=43) in comparison to the other tabs. Which is the 3rd most frequent tab after vehicles (n=130).
  • A not-yet-released mod is released. A Mod is announced. It must offer somewhat precise suggestions of what the mod is going to change. Working Wargame: Ash and Shadows (Spectrenz) Working Wished Dreams Mod (Narcissistic Black). Londsmee Texture Red Dragon reversion (londonsmee) MLP Skins (Darkmil) Mikeboy's Reskins (Mikeboy) Polish.

Armory/hidden file mechanic theory and number presentations

The mod is a folder.rar, that mean that you have to extract it with a software like Winrar. Then you go into A&S2 and WRD Install and start the AshAndShadowsSetup.exe. You gonna have to click on Next, select your Wargame Red Dragon location, click on Next and Install.

Performance analysis from replays

Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod Curseforge

Both have their strengths and weaknesses. The Weakness of #2 is that results are dependent on player skill levels and tactics or in the case of single unit matchups, it represents of individual units in a vacuum and does not account for higher levels effects that may occur on a complex field. The weakness of #1 is unit statistics alone to not give a perfect account of the capabilities of a unit under all conditions.
For example: The low autonomy of the Japanese heavy tanks. A problem for mobility on large maps, much less so for games on small maps.
So understand that 'balance' is an imperfect thing that varies with map size, available terrain, coalition composition and so on.
Generally, my preferred approach to issues of balance, ranked sequentially in preferred mechanism of change is;
1) Change cost
2) Change vet levels
3) Change availability
4) Change individual stats
5) Change weapon loadouts
DragonAnd finally, some things are deliberately 'imbalanced'. Example: Poland and Czechoslovakia have, as a general rule, a rather inferior air-force. To balance this, polish and Czech planes tend to get both a cost and an availability/veteran buff to boost their competitiveness.
Ok. With all that said: Lets discuss units that are over or under-performing.A bizarre mod name, but I'm not really good at this.
What I always wanted, is a more modern like Wargame. Cold war is also interesting, but I find modern warfares also interesting. My mod changes models of Cold War units, to more recent units without affecting stats.
Why 'without affecting stats'?
There are already many mods out there, which changes stats and models at the same time. The only problem: You can't play multiplayer correctly(bugs, compatibility problems,..). My mod only changes names and models of units, which won't affect gameplay in multiplayer.
Will there be custom skins?
I will have to learn this, but I can only start learning next week, the mod could be released before, but in a beta stage. I'm also grateful if users could send custom skins. I do only accept contemporary skins(so please no red colour skin or any exagerated skins).
There will be a list of units which have been modified. Ignore the numbers unless you want to know, which number the model appearence has. Modders will understand
List of nations with new vehicles done:
Germany- Incomplete
USA - Incomplete
France - Incomplete
URSS - Incomplete
China - Not in work yet

Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Mod Apk

(v12575 compatible) http://www.mediafire.com/download/v2pb7vo9u3mzifw/WargameModernWarfare.zip
-Updated to 19512
-Added USA
-Updated some unit names
-Changed FRA Recon Heli and USSR Mi-8AV
-Updated some icons
-Updated to 12575
-Alpha Jet E now Super Etendard
-Updated to 639
-Replaced Etendard to Alpha Jet E
-Replaced Mig 21SMT to Su-24
-Renamed Su-24(Anti-Radar) to Su-24MP
-Added USSR
-Added France and Germany
-First release
AndWargame red dragon ash and shadows mod

Why didn't you include other factions?
If anyone makes a request, I will do the requested faction.
Which tool did you use?
Wargame Modding Suite
Will units be stronger?
No, because, like I said beofre, it won't affect gameplay.
Why are the names still unchanged?
You probably use another language. If so, the correct name will appear instead of the modded one. Make sure to play it in English
Does this mod cause a desync while playing multiplayer?
I'm not sure about this one. I tested it several times, and I got some problems. My friends were playing with me, but after some time, it seemed that their units weren't moving. I asked them, and they said that my units didn't move. Otherwise, it works sometimes fine. I suppose it is a problem with the servers, not with the mod.
Why do planes carry other weapons?
To change the weapon appearance of a certain aircraft, I fear that it could result in an incompatibility for multiplayer. Having no idea if it affects multiplayer, I don't touch the weapon models of a certain modified aircraft.